Acrylic Painting for Beginners

Acrylic Painting for Beginners


Online class
Fridays 10:00am - 12:00pm
Bennett Vadnais, Instructor
Starts: April 24
Ends: May 22
5 Weeks

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In Acrylic Painting for Beginners, instructor Bennett Vadnais will introduce the basic materials and techniques of acrylic painting. Students will gain practical knowledge in handling paint to achieve a wide variety of effects including washes, opaque marks, dry brush, hatching, etc. Vadnais will demonstrate how to take advantage of the quick drying and layering potential of acrylic, one of its best attributes. Finally, he will show how to properly varnish, store and care for finished artwork. Besides the environmental and personal health benefits of a solvent free working environment, acrylic offers great flexibility in pursuing one’s artistic vision. The online format of the class allows students to take advantage of demonstrations and lectures by the instructor while also providing students the chance to connect and learn from one another. This class is suited to all levels.

Supply list is available upon registration.