Glazing and Scumbling Techniques of the Old Masters -IE

Glazing and Scumbling Techniques of the Old Masters -IE


Online Class
Mondays 5:30pm-7:30pm (GMT+1)
Devin Cecil-Wishing, Instructor
Starts: Sept 21
Ends: Oct 26
6 weeks

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In Glazing and Scumbling Techniques of the Old Masters, students will learn a technique is as frequently associated with representational oil painting as glazing. In this course, students will learn all about glazing and scumbling and how to utilize them in their own paintings.

By using simple still life set ups, students will execute a number of small paintings to gain familiarity with different ways of utilizing these techniques.

We will begin by looking at different ways of creating underpaintings for use as a sort of scaffolding, underneath our finished layers.  After completing some small studies and underpaintings, students will then dive in to the different ways in which we can use glazes and scumbled layers to interact optically with previous layers of the painting.

Emphasis will be put on understanding color relationships, how transparency affects color, pigment choices, understanding the differences between transparent and opaque pigments, building up our paintings in a logical/user-friendly way (thinking of it a little like a chess game), as well as understanding light, form and exploring different methods of paint handling.  Time will also be spent discussing materials such as linens, panels, brushes and mediums.

For a supply list, click here.