Figure drawing from the live model- instructed

Figure drawing from the live model- instructed

from $60.00

Thursdays, March 16 & 30
Rob Zeller, Instructor

A class designed for artists of all levels of experience

In Figure Drawing from the live model, students will practice drawing from the model in a small group, learning a system that includes rhythm, proportion, structure, anatomy, and form in a manner that is easy to grasp for artists at any level.

Each session will feature short poses to work on a given concept, and one longer pose that will last for the rest of the session. Students can expect to get one longer, finished drawing per session, and many short sketches.

5 essential concepts will be taught:

1. Gesture and rhythm of the pose
2. Basic proportions and geometry of the figure
3. Blocking-in using anatomy and a specific understanding of light and shadow
4. Modeling form
5. Finishing and refining touches

Figure Drawing Class:
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