Foundations of Portrait in Monochrome-2001

Foundations of Portrait in Monochrome-2001


Video On-Demand Online Class
Robert Zeller, Instructor
9+ videos, 90 day access
Rolling Admission

Registered students have access to watch the live videos from Class # 2001 asynchronously (at their own leisure) , as well as additional supplemental videos and also get a weekly filmed critique from the instructor that is posted on a private Vimeo channel. So, while those students do not participate in the live session, they can still get private, tailored feedback.

In Foundations of Portrait in Monochrome, students will learn how to draw and paint portraits in the academic tradition using a monochromatic palette, and pencil and white chalk on toned paper

Zeller teaches a method that uses 3 distinct steps.

1. Block-in the portrait in pencil and white chalk on toned paper

2. Transfer the drawing to a canvas.

3. Recreate the portrait in one oil color using brushes and rags. (artists’s choice of color)

An emphasis will be on capturing the biggest planes of the head first, then setting up a hierarchy of value and color, and finally nuanced form and details.

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