Foundational Portfolio Building for Teens and Adults- 6002

Foundational Portfolio Building for Teens and Adults- 6002


Online class
Saturdays, 1:30-3:30PM EST
Zack Shevlin, Instructor
Starts: April 17
Ends: May 22
6 classes
Spring Session 2
Deadline March 31

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Spring Session 1 is closed, only Spring Session 2 registering


Learn the basics while having fun. In Foundational - Portfolio Building for Teens and Adults, students will learn the fundamentals of handling multiple media. Subject matter can be still life, portraiture, florals, landscapes, or any personal objects that is of special interest. Special personal projects are welcome!

Copies of old master paintings made from masters such as John Singer Sargent, William Blake, Thomas Moran, etc. will be encouraged. Students can work in ink in this class, as well. They can work on individual projects, progressing from simple to more complex subject matter.

First, they will work on mastering the fundamentals of drawing . Then, they will paint in grisaille(monochrome painting). Then they will move on to more complex projects using both Alla Prima (quick sketch) and Indirect (layered) techniques. The Indirect method will be to block-in a Still Life in pencil, transfer the drawing to a canvas, execute both a value and color study, and then proceed to make a finished painting. For Alla Prima Still lives, students will paint directly on the canvas, using similar methodology but with the goal of finishing in one sitting.

This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in learning the basics before going in depth. This comprehensive class is for students at any level who is interested in learning more about drawing and painting techniques and for building a creative body of work or for a beautiful college portfolio. 

Supply List

Supply List Coming Soon

About the Instructor

Zack Shevlin is an artist based in Long Island, New York. His training began from the live model under his first mentor Jeffrey K Fisher, an illustrator who taught privately out of his studio. Being introduced to the rather unorthodox teachings of Fisher gave him a unique insight into what it means to see and draw the human form through the lens of abstraction.
He learned how to cultivate his own sensibilities through the use of line, marks, rhythm, composition and ultimately how to use a cohesive visual language to represent the world on a two dimensional surface. Following his time under Fisher, Shevlin sought to continue his education and expand his knowledge traveling the world and learning from the likes of the Watts Atelier, Joseph Todorovitch and was introduced to Rob Zeller in Rome during a workshop in 2018.
Upon returning to New York, Shevlin continued training at the Teaching Studios of Art of Oyster Bay under Rob Zeller, who has been his mentor for the past two years and has guided him in honing the techniques of the French academic system of drawing and painting. His understanding of two seemingly opposite schools of thought give him a unique insight into the world of drawing and painting.
Shevlin studied anatomical drawing and concept art with Ferhat Edizkan in Istanbul, Turkey for the month of January 2021.


Images of the instructor’s work
(click to see larger)