Portrait Anatomy + Hands for Artists-1003

Portrait Anatomy + Hands for Artists-1003


Online Class
Mondays, 6:30- 9:30pm EST
Roberto Osti, Instructor
Starts: Nov 9
Ends: Dec 14
6 weeks

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Portrait Anatomy + Hands For Artists is a new series of 2 courses that focuses on the head and explores systematically and in depth the fundamental elements of structure, anatomy, facial features with some study of hands and drawing techniques is essential for the artist interested in portraiture.

The first 6-week course runs from September 14 through Oct 19, and deals with the proportions of the head, the positioning of the facial features, the anatomical aspects of the head: the cranium in front, side and three quarter view, the muscles of neck, face and skull the muscles in front, side and ¾ view.

The second 6 week course runs from Nov 2 through Dec 7, and will deal with the planes of the head and its structural aspects to better understand the effects of the light on its forms and increase the sense of volume and tonal rendering when drawing or painting a portrait. The external facial features, mouth, eyes, nose, ears, will be discussed in detail as well physiognomic variety in general and differences between male and female facial features. The second session covers a bit about drawing hands, as well.

A variety of drawing techniques and measuring methods will be explored during the course of these classes to expand the technical and artistic knowledge of the participating students. Enrolled students have access to recordings of the classes to review after each lesson till the end of the term.

About The Instructor

Roberto Osti has decades of experience teaching human anatomy for artists at the New York Academy of Art, University of the Arts in Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and now, the Teaching Studios of Art. Formally trained as a medical illustrator before becoming a fine artist, Osti has contributed his work to many science and art publications. He has exhibited extensively in Italy and the United States, including at the Bologna Museum of Modern Art, the Drawing Center and the New York Academy of Sciences, and his work has been featured in Scientific American and The New York Times.


The Instructor’s Book:
Basic Human Anatomy

Monacelli Press 2016
Available from booksellers worldwide.

This book is the textbook for this class
You can order it from Amazon by
clicking here:

A comprehensive, yet flexible and holistic approach to the human body for artists, Roberto Osti’s method of teaching anatomy never loses sight of the fact that this understanding should lead to the creation of art.
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